Enroll for expert level online Oracle Apps SCM training by real time professionals. Learn Oracle Apps SCM online training by experts with course material, Oracle e-business suite r12 supply chain management certification training ✓Best Institute for Oracle Apps SCM functional training within reasonable fee. We offers online course Hyderabad Canada USA UK South Africa and more
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Oracle Apps SCM Online Training Course Content
Introduction of ERP and basic concepts of Oracle Applications
Oracle Inventory modules
- Introduction of Inventory
- Define Master Item
- Assign Item to Organization
- Copy Attributes from Item
- Define sub inventories and Locators
- On-hand Qty Checking
- Transactions like miscellaneous receipts and issues
- Move order transactions
- Inter org transactions
- Sub inventory to sub inventory transactions
- Define item category’s and their groups by using KFF
- Define cost of the item
- ABC analysis
- Counting’s like physical, cyclic & replenishment
- Planning reports like Min-Max, Reorder Point & Safety stock updates
- Generate relevant inventory reports
- Different Types of Move Orders and Their Transactions
- Lot, serial & Stock Locator generation methods and usage
- Check mandatory profile options
- Types of Items & Item relationships
- Item Catalog creation and Usage
- Item attribute controls, Item status attributes and their usage
- Define Work day calendar with exception templates.
- Define Inventory Locations
- Learn about each and every Option in Inventory Parameters, Item Master & Sub Inventory
- Learn about available key flex fields in Inventory
Oracle Purchasing Modules
- Introduction of Purchasing
- Define all the relevant setups for Purchasing(Purchasing Options, Receiving Options, Document Types, Line Types & Financial Options)
- Define Suppliers and approved suppliers
- Define requisitions(Internal & Purchase)
- Define RFQ and Quotations(All Types)
- Purchase Order flow
- Types of purchase Orders
- Define Manual Standard PO’s
- Define Auto Standard PO’s
- Define manual blanket PO’s and Release Blanket Release
- Define Auto blanket PO’s
- Receiving transactions Against PO’s
- Return transactions Against PO’s
- Generate all PO relevant reports
- Define Requisition Template
- Define requisition Through Auto create form
- Define Planned Purchase Orders and release schedule Releases
- Define Contract Purchase Agreement
- Define all the relevant setups for purchasing Hierarchy(Job, Position, Employee, Buyer, Assign to User, Approval groups and Assign approval groups to Position or Job based on Approval hierarchy(Position Hierarchy or Employee supervisor Hierarchy)
- Return to Vendor Process
- Define Sourcing Rules and Assignments
- Types of Receipt Routings and their usage
- Automatic Document Creation Through Sourcing Rules
Order Management Modules
- Introduction of Order Management
- Type of Sales Orders
- Understanding OM Cycles (General Sales Order, Return Material Authorization, Back to Back, Back Order, Drop ship, Internal Sales Order, Point of Sales, ATO and PTO)
- All relevant setups for Order Management(Transaction Types, Shipping parameters, Document sequence, Document Assignments, Document Sets for Shipping, Mandatory Profiles, Grants & Roles, System Parameters, System Values, Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Ship confirm Rule & Pick Release Rule)
- Define Customers and Sites
- Define shipping methods
- Define price list
- Copy price list
- Adjust price list
- Add item to price list
- Generate all OM relevant reports
- Define Sales Person
- Define Freight Carriers
- Define and know the usage of Sales Agreements
- Define Negotiations (Quotes)
- Define holds and their usage
- Define credit check rules
- Learn about defaulting rules
- Learn about Processing constraints
- Know about available option in shipping transaction form
- Related Auto Invoice setups in OM
- Know about the sales order different statuses
Real Time
- Real time scenarios
- Complexities faced in the implementation
- Support Tickets or Real time Errors
- Questionnaire
- CV Preparation